If you are an admin of a facebook fan page or a facebook application page you can find the Suggest to Friends link on the left bottom part of the page for application page, while for a fan page, you can find it on the top right of your page. You can easily click the link to suggest your page to your friends. But the problem is, when you are not an admin of a certain page, you cant now find the link on that page. It was not like this before, Suggest to Friends was actually an Invite Friends link on the old version of a fan page/application page. Anyone could invite their friends at that time even when they’re not the admin.Now it’s a little bit hard to suggest a facebook page to our friends when your not the admin. Many people ask, How to show Facebook Suggest to Friends Dialog ?. Well, we can use javascript address bar hack to show the dialog. using this simple code, the dialog will show whenever you click on any part of the page. The link will show transparently overlayed in front of the page. Here is the script :
javascript:(function(){x=$('profile_pic').parentNode.href.replace(document.location.protocol+'//www.facebook.com/album.php?profile=1&id=','');y=document.createElement('div');y.style.cssText='position:fixed;z-index:9;height:100%;';y.innerHTML='lordadmer was here';z=document.getElementsByTagName('div')[0];z.parentNode.insertBefore(y,z);alert('Now click anywhere on this page, suggest page dialog will show – lordadmer');})()
- Copy the code above
- Go to the page you want to suggest, for example : Admer
- Paste the code on the address bar
- Then press enter
- An alert will show, just click OK or press enter
- Click anywhere on that page, the Facebook Suggest to Friends Dialog will show
That’s it, you can now suggest any page you want to your facebook friends.
However, i cant find where the suggested page will show on our facebook home page, no notification either. It’s probably just a facebook bug, because even when i suggest my own fan page where i’m the admin, the same thing happens. lol. They will fix this soon for sure. So why i share this code if it’s still buggy? You can learn how the code work and maybe you can then use and modify it for another trick. Happy tweaking
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