Him: "Are you unhappy?"
Her: "No, of course not. Why do you ask?"
Him: "Well, the few rare times we make love you cry out his name, not mine." Her: "Whose name?" Him: "Facebook."
Yeah, pretty heavy huh? Real life stuff pouring out all over the pages of Gizmodo. But what's it mean?
It means Facebook ends marriages, that's what it means. An astonishing 80% of U.S. divorce lawyers report that social media evidence is now cited in divorce cases as one of the many reasons a marriage comes crashing to an end. One in five doomed married couples cite Facebook by name in their divorce proceedings, according to a recent survey of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.
While the high number is surprising, the behavior it entails is nothing new:
Flirty messages and photographs found on Facebook are increasingly being cited as proof of unreasonable behaviour or irreconcilable differences. Many cases revolve around social media users who get back in touch with old flames they hadn't heard from in many years.Anyway...80%! That's awful! Completely awful. Heart-wrenching, even. But I understand, and if any of my Facebook lady friends, college flames or high school crushes need to talk, my email's down there at the bottom of the post.
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